Friday, March 27, 2009
I am definitely an Idealist.
Idealists do best in environments that convey positive regard, recognize their uniqueness, and provide validation, interaction, receptivity, and support. A confrontive, argumentative or competitive atmosphere offends them. Idealists operate out of their values and intuitive perceptions and can be surprised when others lack awareness of the deep issues below the surface. Because they need work that matters to them and to others, the Idealist might have difficulty placing limits on the amount of time and energy they devotes to work. This type works toward a vision of perfection. And once the vision and work is completed, it sometimes just doesn’t seem to live up to expectations.
Monday, March 16, 2009
I'm Not Participating.
I'm loaded. It's official. I'm the 51,263,593 richest person on earth! How rich are you? >> |
Yesterday in church I got an awakening that I've been needing to have for awhile. I'm rich. Ridiculously rich. And so are you. In fact I doubt I know a single person who is not within the top 5% of the richest people in the world. Is it bad to be rich? It is if you never think you have enough. If all your life your only motivation is to get more and more. If you're hoarding all you have and not being a blessing to those in need. Or if you're replacing God with money by trusting in your money more than God who has given you every drop of what you have. Being rich is not a sin. It's not a bad thing at all. It's a gift and a blessing if you stop to actually be thankful and realize that you're rich. I'm so embarrassed that I've been crying and moaning over all the commission I've lost this year. Even with the loss, I'm still within the top 1% of the richest people in the world. So there is no need for crying or stress or worry. I'm no longer participating in this so-called recession, or the fear, or the crazy save-save-save/keep-keep-keep mentality. So far this year I have learned more responsible spending and saving. I have learned that there are luxuries that I don't need. And I'm very thankful for those lessons. But because I'm already rich and have far more than I need, I'm going to be looking for every way that I can to be a blessing to others. I don't have to worry whether I have enough food to eat or clothes to wear or a place to live. Those are issues that millions of people in the world face everyday. I have a job. I have wonderful friends and family. I really have it made. When I wake up in the morning from now on, I'll wake up realizing that I'm so rich. I can't wait to find ways to bless others. And what a different perspective it gives me. Thanks be to God who has so overwhelmingly provided.
As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.
—1 Timothy 6:17-19
Monday, March 9, 2009
Happy Birthday James!

It was James's birthday a couple of weeks ago and we celebrated with a party at Jolynn and Mark's house. James started walking a week or so before his birthday; the party was a great opportunity for him to show off his new skills! It was a lot of fun watching him open all of his gifts and it was fun to see family that I don't get to see often. I can't wait to see how he grows this year and how different he will be at his next birthday party!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
It's tough being in sales right now. It's really tough when 75% of your business comes from automotive clients. I keep getting knocked down lately and so far I've done a pretty good job of getting back up to keep trying and keep moving forward. Yesterday I got another cancellation and it really discouraged me. This morning on the way to work this song came up on my iPod and reminded me that "the call is to give all you are, to give love away". The call isn't to make money, to get stuff, to worry, to be fearful. The call is to give love away, to give all you are no matter what your circumstances. I guess that means I need to suck it up yet again and keep moving forward because I know there are a lot of people out there who are in much worse situations and they need people to reach out and help them, people willing "to give love away".