When you (hypothetically) only have 33 more days to live, time goes fast! On one hand the smartest idea seems to be to sit down and plan out every hour of every day that you have left. That way you could make a list of everyone you wanted to spend time with and schedule all your time, not leaving a second to spare. On the other hand, maybe it would be better to not plan anything, to NEVER even look at the clock for the next 33 days. It might be better to just take each moment as they come and see what happens. I bet we all miss out on a lot by not living that way more often. What if I planned out every second and left no room for the bigger, better plan that God might have had in mind?
Over the past eight months I've done everything I could to fill up my calendar as much as possible. I keep a dry erase board calendar in my office at home and at the beginning of each month I start writing in all of my plans. I have to admit that if I see some empty spaces, I immediately start making plans to fill them up. For awhile I was afraid if I didn't stay busy that I would get bogged down and depressed about all the bad stuff that was happening with Joe and my Dad. Plus, I've always liked having things to keep me excited and moving forward. I think it's good to be busy and doing lots of things, but sometimes I think it keeps me from truly taking in and enjoying the moments happening right now. Maybe the best answer is balance. (Isn't it always?) It's good to have plans to look forward to, but it's important to have free time available to spend alone, with friends and family, or on those bigger, better plans that God might have up his sleeve.
You would think I would have spent a lot of time over the last few months thinking about what I want out of my life, and I have... but when you think about your life as if you 0nly have 33 days left, it definitely changes your perspective. We honestly don't know how much time we have and I definitely don't want to have any regrets or leave anything on the table.
Song of the Day...
Find Another Way
Young Love
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