What a gorgeous weekend! Finally we got a full weekend with beautiful weather and I for one, took full advantage of it.
Saturday morning I hosted a brunch slash Pampered Chef party for about ten of my friends and it turned about great! We had personal mini breakfast pizzas, black bean and corn salad, shrimp, and fresh fruit with a yogurt/orange marmalade dipping sauce. We (and by we, I mean Deanna) also made two desserts for everyone to take home... Mini cherry chocolate cheesecakes and Apple Bundles. I served two cocktails, Bellini's and Blood Mary's. Bellini's might be my new favorite breakfast cocktail. They were made with frozen peaches, peach nectar, orange liquer, and sparkling wine. Yum! After the brunch, a couple of friends stayed for an afternoon of cocktails and conversation on the patio. The weather was perfect and I even managed to get a little sunburned. Guess it's time to get out the sunscreen!
Yesterday, after church I watched my friend Angela's 3 year old play Bam-Bam ball in Altoona. If you ever get a chance to catch one of those games, you should. It's hysterical! Basically one team lines up on the pitching mound and the other comes out of their "pen" one at a time to bat. After the kid bats he runs to first base and the other team sends the first kid in line at the pitchers mound to put the ball back on the tee. Then the next kid bats and so on and so on. They play three innings which I think takes 30 minutes total and is just about the max amount of time you can keep them all interested. Hilarious! They are so cute I can't even tell you. My favorite part is that the last kid who bats is the one who gets to hit the "homerun" and they get so excited. It's absolutely adorable. After the game I went to Grandview Park and had a picnic. It was a great day for a picnic; not too hot, not too windy, just perfect. I kept the top down on my convertible from Friday night all the way through last night. It was awesome!
Today's Song of the Day... my new favorite 80's song.
Causing a Commotion
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