Friday, February 20, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

Something interesting...

I learned something this morning and if you really think about it, it's a little disturbing.

Our bodies contain approximately 100 million sensory receptors that allow us to see, hear, taste, touch and smell physical reality. But the brain contains 10 thousand billion synapses. This means we’re roughly 100,000 times better equipped to experience a world that does not exist, than a world that does.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Bon Jovi: Livin' on a Prayer

Today's Song of the Day...

There's nothing like a good 80's song to get you going in the morning. Plus, I'm pretty sure a lot of us are livin' on a prayer these days:)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

In London, T Mobile staged two hundred dancers to "randomly" start dancing in the train station. The marketing ploy was that bystanders took out their cell phones and started getting it on video. Take away the fact that it was marketing. How cool would it have been if you were in the train station that day? I don't know about anyone else, but I am aching to have an extraordinary moment. Things seem so mundane right now. Every day is work, workout, eat healthy, more cold weather, get some sleep, start over. I feel like a hostage in my own life. Being practical and responsible, it's my duty to keep my job and pay my bills and be healthy. But lately I have this nagging desire to just let it all go, pack my suitcase, and use my new passport to go somewhere beautiful, exotic, exciting. Along the way I'll eat whatever I want and my only forms of exercise will be trekking through the mountains, swimming in the ocean, and doing yoga on the beach. I'll leave all my dress clothes behind and stick with sweatsuits, jeans, flip flops, tank tops, and summer dresses. I won't care if I don't have any money. I'll get by waiting tables here and there, being a part time nanny, cleaning, whatever. I won't bring my watch. I loathe my watch. I'll wake up when the sun hits my face. I'll eat breakfast and drink coffee watching nature and praying, thanking God for my freedom. I won't read the newspaper or the internet. I'll go where I feel led and I'll greet everyone with a friendly smile and a curiosity as to why God may have brought us together. I'll find ways to make a difference.

Oh can't you just imagine...

Matthew West: History

Song of the Day...