I had such a fun weekend! Kyra hosted a "Girls' Weekend at the Lake" on Saturday and we had a blast. The six of us got together for breakfast at The Port at Lake Panarama for breakfast around 10:30. After breakfast we got the boat loaded and picked up our cute chauffeur, Nate. Nate's the bartender at the Tiki Bar at the lake, but he went in a couple of hours late so he could hang out and drive us around the lake. What guy would say no to being the only guy on a boat with six girls?? For the record, once we dropped Nate off, Kyra did a FABULOUS job of navigating the boat. We did not NEED Nate, it was just kind of fun to have him around:) Girl power was alive and well this weekend let me tell you! We stayed on the water until 7 or so and then we went back to the Port and had some drinks at the Tiki Bar. The weather was absolutely beautiful on Saturday. We stayed until sunset at the Tiki Bar and then headed back to Kyra's condo to cook some dinner. We ended up making the best fondue ever (without a fondue pot) and eating way too much. We had great intentions of staying up all night drinking wine and playing games, but we were so exhausted from being in the sun all day eating and drinking that we fell asleep after we watched Michael Phelps win his 8th gold medal. I can remember laughing so hard that I cried about three times, so I consider this weekend to be one of the best ever solely based on that. I got up early on Sunday morning so I could make it back for church and Kennedy's 4th birthday party, but I laughed out loud by myself the entire way home about something I saw on the way out the door. Molly was sleeping in the living room on an air mattress. When I went to bed it was the tallest, hugest air mattress I had ever seen. When I left in the morning, it did not have one drop of air in it and she was sleeping on it in the exact same position as she was when I went to bed she just happened to be flat on the ground.
It was HILARIOUS!!! Hopefully, "Girls' Weekend at the Lake" will be an annual event because we all had so much fun. Kyra is the best hostess!
Today's Song of the Day
Fall Back
Dear Jayne
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