Oh Lauren I've missed you and Spencer I've missed being annoyed by you! One of my guiltiest pleasures without a doubt is being addicted to The Hills on MTV. I know it's a complete waste of time and 100% superficial stupid content. And I honestly don't care if it's reality or completely fake, I find it fascinating anyway. Who doesn't want to peek into the life of a totally cool young Hollywood chick who dates super HOT guys and has an endless amount of drama with her girlfriends? Plus, the one liners that these people come up with every week are so great. "Relationship vacation" was one of my favorite terms coined on The Hills. My friends and I got a lot of use out of that one. And who can forget Lauren telling Heidi "I want to forgive you and I want to forget you."?? Priceless. I also love that they pick the coolest songs I've never heard before as the soundtrack every week and they give you the titles and artists at the bottom of the screen. Today's Song of the Day is my favorite from last night. If you are a closet Hills fan, you can come out. I'm right there with you!
Song of the Day
You're Not Alone
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