Yesterday I finally got my new driver's license and filed for my passport. (While reading this story, keep in mind that in order to get my new SS card, I had to go the SS office three times and the Dallas County Courthouse once.) What a pain! I went to the Driver's License place in Ankeny on Monday... and they were closed. So yesterday morning, I went back to try again. I waited in line for fifteen minutes and when I got up the counter, wouldn't you know it, I was missing the one piece of evidence they needed to change my name on my license! So... I had to go all the way back to Waukee, get the piece of paper and drive back to Ankeny to the Driver's License place. I was so frustrated that I was almost in tears when I left to go back home and get the piece of paper. By the time I got back, I had calmed down and was standing in line (a shorter line might I add) reading a book. Then the coolest thing happened. The guy in line behind me was a guy from my high school who I haven't seen in at least five years, probably longer. For anyone reading this who went to my HS, it was Sam Arpy! He's been in the military for quite awhile and has been living in Italy for a few years. I was hoping to see him at our reunion a couple of weeks ago, but he wasn't back yet. So anyway... I got all worked up about having to go back and forth a million times to the Driver's License place and it all worked out in the end.
Finally, my trip to South Africa seems to be coming together. I have my new SS card, my new Driver's License, and my passport should be here within two weeks. Tomorrow I'm going to the doctor for a physical and three of the five shots I need. I'm sure that appointment will give me plenty to blog about. Giving blood and getting shots are two things that I wish I could go my whole life without doing, so I'm not really looking forward to the appointment tomorrow. But I am looking forward to hopefully conquering my fear. I know the pain will be worth it in the end. I'm going on this trip because I think it will be an unbelievable experience, but I think it will be an unbelievable experience because I'm doing it for God.
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