Thursday, April 30, 2009

No news, no worry

If you didn't watch the news, read the newspaper, see the news on the internet, or turn on the radio would you have any clue about the recession, the failing bank and auto business, or the swine flu? I don't think I would. I keep finding myself panicking a little, but then I remind myself there's really nothing to panic over. If I wasn't constantly hearing about the horrible "threats" of what might happen should any of these things get out of control, I wouldn't have a clue they even existed. My bank is still in business and my money is still there. My commissions have taken a bit of a hit this year due to the auto business, so even without the news I might have figured that one out. Other than a bit of a headache and a stuffy nose the past few weeks, I feel perfectly healthy. Every year around this time I usually get a mild cold. But if my chance I did get the flu, I'd probably just think it was flu season and move on with my life. I understand that in Mexico this flu has been deadly and that is worrisome. But so far in the US it hasn't been deadly and I think the panic it's causing is almost worse than the actual illness. The panic is certainly affecting a greater number of people than the virus so far.

When I was in South Africa I had very little access to the news and I must admit that it really took my anxiety level down a notch. The world kept turning and whatever was happening in the world didn't change my reality a bit. I think we should all take a break from the doom and gloom of the news and remind ourselves that worrying changes nothing. Regardless of what it says on TV, my life is still rolling along just as it was yesterday. I'll deal with whatever happens tomorrow when it happens.

Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life ?Matthew 6:26-28

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