Monday, July 20, 2009

I Am Second

I was watching a video on and at the end of his testimony, this guy said something about what Jesus means to him. I started thinking, "What does Jesus mean to me?" I haven't planned out this post. I'm writing as it comes to me and I'm searching my heart to see what Jesus really means to me. I hope you'll be encouraged to think about what Jesus really means to you.

Jesus is God's one and only Son. He is God born in human form to save mankind. He was born to the Virgin Mary and lived the perfect life. He travelled around with his disciples and performed miracle after miracle. He was the King foretold in the Old Testament, but he was so radically different from any human who ever walked the earth and so different from the king that everyone was expecting, that almost everyone questioned whether or not he was the Messiah. His teachings were those of love and forgiveness. He befriended those who society cast aside and threw out the rules of old and taught that the most important rules in life were to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself". He did miracles showing time and time again that he was God. He was ultimately brutally killed for claiming to be Lord, but no guards, no tomb, no stone could keep him from being resurrected. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is savior of my soul. He's the reason that I know I'm going to be in Heaven with God when I die. He was perfect, but he took on all the sin of the world and paid the penalty for every bad thing I've ever done and every wrong choice I'll ever make. He knows all the answers. No athlete, no celebrity, nobody who's ever lived or will ever live will be a better role model. He gave all he had for others, including giving his life. He loves with grace and truth, but just the right amount of both. He loves the unlovable. His love has changed the world. His love is still alive today in my heart and in the heart of every Christian. He is the living God. What Jesus means to me is love. He means that I don't have to be perfect, he loves me anyway. He means that I can love other people with all my heart because I am overflowing with His love. He means that I can love people I don't even know because He has given me enough. There is nothing that can't be done through faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus is first, I am Second. That's what Jesus means to me.

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