Monday, September 29, 2008

South Africa Here I Come!

Today's the day... I'm leaving for South Africa at 6:55 tonight. I'm definitely feeling a range of emotions this morning. Part of me is super excited to get going and start having some adventure. Another part of me is really nervous and not so excited. I'm worried about what it's going to be like to travel that far away and be in flight for so long. And of course there's the big worry about getting homesick. Everytime I think about leaving my family and friends to go away for two weeks I start to cry. How am I going to do this??? I'm gonna have to take a big leap of faith here and trust God to get me through this. I'm sure that other members of our group are going to have some homesickness too. Most of them have children and I couldn't imagine leaving my children. So I guess knowing that I'm not the only one who probably feels this way helps a little. We can all depend on each other, right?

I'll be at the airport in about 8 1/2 hours. Here's hoping that the excited part of me takes over and squashes the nervous part before then.

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