Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Stuck in the Airport

We've been stuck in the London airport ALL DAY! Boring. Boring. More BORING. When we got here it was raining which didn't make us too excited to go out and explore the city. Plus we needed to make sure that our luggage was being forwarded to South Africa and there wasn't anyone working at the South Africa Airlines desk until just a couple of hours ago. Basically since I left Des Moines last night at 7, I've sat on an airplane for 9 hours and in an aiport for about 5. Our flight leaves for Johannesburg at 7. It's 5:25pm here right now. It's an 11 hour flight and we'll arrive in South Africa at 7am tomorrow morning. Let me tell you that sitting in a cramped seat all night last night was not easy and it was only an 8 hour flight. On the brighside, I did get to see the Sex and the City movie. I'm not looking forward to this 11 hour flight at all. But we're here for a reason and it will all work out fine I'm sure.


Anonymous said...

I thought what you are doing sounded fun, but hearing that you had to watch the Sex and the City movie i'm glad I didn't go. Just kidding. It's too bad they didn't show The Terminal with Tom Hanks. Would have given you some ideas on passing time in the airport. Good luck and thanks for going! You are going to provide some hope for many in need!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a day! If you think of it, in your next blog will you let us know the time difference between South Africa and here? Like to be able to think about what you are doing at certain points in the day....:) Thanks!