Monday, April 14, 2008

A One Week Experiment

My life has been a little chaotic lately and it's been wearing me out and making me crazy. So in an attempt to get a little normalcy and order back in my life, I'm giving myself a challenge and doing a little experiment. I think a big part of feeling chaotic has come from a little too much "I can do what I want whenever I want because I'm single and no one can boss me around" mentality, so I'm enforcing some discipline on myself for one week and I'm starting tonight. Here's my plan... don't laugh. Work with me people.
  • I have to get up at 6:15am Monday through Friday. (6 seemed too early, 6:30 seemed too lenient.) I've been sleeping in WAAAAYYYYY too late.
  • Must eat breakfast.
  • Get 30 minutes of hard exercise a day. (I'm giving myself one day off this week.)
  • No drinking alcohol AT ALL. (This might be tough when the weekend comes.) I was gonna give up soda too, but then what will I drink if I go out this weekend??
  • At least two servings of fruits and two servings of vegetables per day. I think I've been on a two week streak of eating no fruits or veggies other than lettuce and cheese drowned in ranch at Nick's. That's a streak I definitely need to break.
  • Must be in bed by 11p with the light and TV off.

OK, so those are the rules. Tonight I went to the grocery store and stocked up on all sorts of good-for-me foods and then I went to the Y and ran 2.5 miles. For dinner I had salad with carrots, radishes, sunflower seeds, balsamic, a side of cottage cheese, five shrimp, and a piece of dark chocolate. I'm off to a good start, right? I feel better already.

The experiment is to see if I can be tough enough to stick to all the rules for just one week. I know I can do it. Watch me.

Today's Song of the Day

Island (Float Away)
The Starting Line

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